Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Living by Faith

Are we living by faith? I was reading this morning and was struck by a verse in Scripture. It's Romans 1:17, "The righteous will live by faith."

Even on my best day; when my outfit matches, my jeans fit, I'm running because I want to be healthy not because when I pointed at something my arm continued to move like butterscotch jello, dinner is healthy and on the table on matching plates, I didn't curse like a sailor (in my head or out loud), I was respectful to Sam, I read the Bible and prayed.... I can't claim righteousness over myself. So I immediately started asking myself, "How am I not living by faith?"

When everything falls down around me, do I believe I will be caught?

When everything is going a little too well, am I waiting for the bottom to fall out?

Do I rejoice in transformation or keep second guessing that I've been redeemed?

When a dream is laid on my heart, do I go for it or immediately think of reasons that I'd fail or it wouldn't be "practical" ... I know the answer to that one since I'm wearing my PJs with giant slippers on my couch having full conversations with my dog instead of playing my music for people to hear or traveling with an improv comedy group.

Do I believe that I've been made for a purpose? With gifts that are unique to my life and very existence?

Do I believe that no matter how I'm feeling, the God I worship and His Truth never change?

I pray that we all start living by faith. There is so much life that we are missing because we're living by false facts or insecurity. Lets experience faith together... "The righteous will live by faith."


  1. Hey Martha-
    I have seen via facebook that you have a blog and today is the first day I have looked at it. I have enjoyed your thoughts and humor. I know this post was from a while ago but it was just what I needed this morning. So thanks. Hope all is well. You rock, btw! Jade
