Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh snap we're moving!

Don't panic folks, I'm not leaving NC yet :)

BUT some exciting stuff is happening for our blog here and i'm moving to!

OH LA LA it's true, I'm official and I feel very grown up. So hop on over there as I brag about my costumes this year and the AMAZING hosting and web design guru - Kelly at Twenty70 Hosting.

Bear with me as I figure out the new site but I'd love to hear from you over there!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Best husband ever

I was tired after work today and I normally go to the grocery store on Mondays. But my sweet hubbs decided to come with me! Sam = 1, Tiredness = 0.

It was so fun having him with me and telling me stories about his day while I scoped out which EVOO was the best buy.

Then we got home and we were winding down and he said, "You know what? I'm going to make you supper tonight." Sam = 2, Tiredness = still 0.

It was so amazing to sit and relax a bit and then enjoy an amazing meal! The greatest thing is, Sam offers to do all of those things most nights. But I let him help me today and it was SO worth it. Mondays don't have to be dreary, I'm so grateful and being able to really dive into that gratitude made my day even better. Lets not take things for granted shall we? The more I thought about how grateful I was for Sam, the happier I got. The more I stopped trying to control everything in the kitchen, the happier I was. Life is good when you spend time thanking God for the goodness He brings.
Are you throwing up yet?

Friday, October 22, 2010


Many of you know that I have started a new blog/book with two friends, Ginna and Kate. This week on our blog we started doing give-a-ways! Woo hoo!

Please pop over to read about our experiences and others in the coming weeks. To enter the drawing for the give-a-way, all you need to do is leave a comment or become a follower over at our blog; we'd love to hear from you!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Childlike Week Part III


I don’t care who you are, pranks are fun. My coworkers have put up with a lot this year as I like to constantly remind them how much I love pranks. I hide in empty offices and jump out as they walk by. I’ve hidden Sandy’s cell phone in the ceiling and called it… she had 40 missed calls from me but watching her run around trying to find it was priceless. I’ve taped office supplies to people’s desks. You name it, I’ve tried it on them… and they’ve tried it on me.

But my dear friends, we pulled the ultimate prank on Sandy. She made the stupid mistake of going to the beach and leaving her desk unattended. We felt like she needed a change of scenery.

So piece by piece, we moved her entire desk and made a miniature sized replica out of cardboard boxes in the warehouse. I wish you could have seen her face on Monday morning when her cubicle was stark white and empty and she couldn’t find her desk.

Please notice the backrest that we stole from her real chair and put on her mini-chair

Why yes, that is a fake mouse on her mouse pad.

Pranks are fun, getting pranked is fun. I hope you find some mischief this weekend and act like a child!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Childlike Week Part II


Have you ever watched a kid dance? It's hilarious and SO AMAZING. There may or may not be a song going on in their head or there may or may not be anyone watching, but they can do their best noodle-leg routine like its nobody's business!

I tend to break out in dance often. It's usually never good. And it's always silly. My brother's girlfriend caught me on tape as started to break a move.... by myself. Again... brace yourself, this isn't pretty. BUT IT WAS SO FUN!

*Towards the end, you can hear my husband trying to reassure everyone else in the room that what was happening was a normal occurrence. I love that.

So here is the thing, if you hear a good song or are in a good mood or just feel like you have a lot of energy pent up... DANCE. Children don't wait for skills to set in and they don't dance to get everyone's approval. They do it because it's fun. Please start dancing!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This week is dedicated to...


I have something kind of stressful coming up on Saturday so I have decided the best way to handle the stress is to act like a child all week. Granted, most of what I am going to do this week is silly, fun, and makes me feel like I'm 10 years old. But I'm also going to practice a childlike faith.

Mark 10:15, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

I think having a childlike faith and demeanor can be not only fun but freeing. So here goes!

Sunday's agenda involved me calling one of my best friends who lives in Asheville for a "play date". You have to understand my love for Ashleigh... she will do crazy things with me without even blinking. I called her and she came up for the day and we decided we would go to the fair. We rode all of the rides that would make us vomit, ate like pigs, then watched pigs race around a racetrack for Oreos, and then.... got our face painted. I mean, we had to right? Here are the highlights of a childlike day.

Here we are on the Musik Express... the G-force made me squish into Ashleigh and I almost peed in my pants I was laughing so hard

Here are the precious pigs racing for the Oreo, I wanted to take one home... but I didn't. Instead, I ate a corndog.

I kind of felt badly about the corndog... so I soothed myself with ribbon fries.

And the grand finale... our face paint. I felt it was appropriate for me to finish my day by being a puppy dog... you know, for the mission.

I realize I should be embarrassed... but I'm just not
Now, I dare you to join me in throwing those inhibitions to the wind and freeing your heart to have a childlike faith this week! Feel free to leave your stories in the comments sections.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I just feel like you should know...

That I made a "I'm makin' it rain!" joke with a bunch of papers the other day at work. It looked something like this but with a bunch of really gansta purchase reports:

And then I noticed that even though I had finished the act of waving my arms in the air.... the lovely area under my biceps continued to rock on for a solid 10 seconds. I should probably stop eating candy corn pumpkins. Or at least cut back to one pound per week.


I'm not even sure if thoughtfulness is a word? But if it is, IT IS AWESOME. I came into work and found this on my desk from the best coworker ever. It made my week.

A. I love that stuff and may or may not have finished the bag in record time. Don't you judge me!
B. She wrote a sweet card and made me feel loved and special.

Then, I went to visit my husband's hometown to see his brother get married to the greatest girl ever. We stayed with my in-laws and guess what was on my chest of drawers!? You guessed it...

Do you think it's obvious the quickest way to my heart is candy? I'm not sure what to think about that but I choose to think it's because I'm sweet... right!? Right?!

Do something thoughtful this weekend. It goes such a long way. Thanks Sandy and Jan for adding to my sugar addiction and making me feel special.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tight Spaces

Well I hope everyone had a great weekend because you want to know what I did? I had to crawl down into a seven foot deep hole and scoop out two feet of mud.

As I lowered myself down into the hole, I thought about several things.

A. Thank God I’ve been doing pilates.
B. I’m not claustrophobic, I’m not claustrophobic, I’m not claustrophobic.
(Kate Larrabee-stop panicking)
C. I need to shower as soon as I get out of this crazy death trap.
D. Spiders and snakes don’t live down here… they’re claustrophobic, right?!
E. Maybe this is like a mud bath, maybe I’ll have better skin after this.
F. I hate being the smallest person on work days at the farm.

I wish I could say that I haven’t been forced into tight spaces before. For instance, until I was 16 years old, my four male cousins and brothers and I lived on the same street. We would play street hockey every night…. It was cool ok!?

And inevitably, the street hockey ball would go down into the side sewer. It got quiet, and then all of these sweet males in my life looked at me and sprinted towards me. They all grabbed at my ankles and lowered me down into the sewer as they yelled, “RATS ARE LIKE BUNNIES! YOU LIKE BUNNIES! NOW GET THE BALL.”

Well let me tell you, THEY ARE NOT LIKE BUNNIES. And now, by association, I hate bunnies.

Ok fine, I don’t. Those little twitching noses get me every time.

Well, on Saturday we were about to flood the pond but realized there was too much mud in the death hole for the water to come through. (Yes, I’m sure it has a real name, but it will always be known as death hole to me). So, the hubby and Daddy looked at me and grabbed my ankles… I kid. But they did look at me with this evil grin and said, “We’re too big, you’ll fit though.”

As I was scooping mud while not being able to fully bend over or turn around, I realized that I could talk myself into calmness and just finish the task. If I could make jokes about my butt getting stuck or the mud in my hair being new highlights, then I could make this little torture chamber fun.

When you’re in a tight space in life, you have the power to speak peace over the situation. You can take your thoughts captive. You have the ability to bring humor into the situation. And most importantly…thank God you have been doing pilates.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I finally won something!!! I won these amazing Storkie Custom Stamps over at!

Storkie Express makes gorgeous holiday cards, any invitation you can imagine, and stamps. They do custom orders and it is really simple to navigate. Just hop over to their site and enjoy!

I can't wait to put this face on my stamps.... the post office will never be the same.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Angry like Claire Huxtable

Does anyone remember when Claire Huxtable in the Cosby Show would get angry and just be able to immediately start ranting and raving in Spanish? I would really like to be able to just start yelling in Spanish every time I got angry. Why?
1. It would be awesome.
2. No one would know that I was calling them a poopface and I was going to throw Poptarts at their head.
3. I should have said that in Spanish, maybe I would have sounded a little less like a crazy person.
4. It would just feel better being able to say everything without hurting anyone's feelings.... unless they knew Spanish. There's a hole in my plan, but it's still a pretty good plan.

I'll be spending the rest of my night trying to find my high school Spanish books. Good night, buenos noches people.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday!

Good morning and happy Friday! I just wanted to remind you to shoot over to a shared blog I'm contributing to with my friends Kate and Ginna. We'd love to have you!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Funny Face

My friend Ash Hill told me that I didn't take a normal picture. I lost the argument, here's the evidence. To whom it may concern: I'm sorry if I've broken your camera.

My older brother is the sane one.

I dance better with my mouth wide open. Something about the aero..errrr...dynamics

My sweet friend Neely- why she puts up with me I'll never know

This one seems normal to me, is that weird?

I think this was my response when Grace told me that coffee had stunted my growth.

Have a great weekend everyone, don't take yourself too seriously and make some funny faces!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wisdom from Grandma B

“The best way to ride a horse is the way it is going.”
– Grandma Bennett

My Grandma is a hilarious and strong woman. She is the mother of eight children. That’s right folks, eight children! Ocho, Ocht, Octo, Huit! She loves sweets, food, and wine. She loves to travel and take her family with her on those adventures. She has the driest sense of humor. She is so generous and has an indescribable amount of patience. This is a piece of wisdom that my Grandma has shared with us. I can’t help but think the horse is a metaphor for life. Sometimes it stinks, sometimes it is breathtakingly gorgeous, sometimes it makes your eyes blurry and itchy, and it’s always powerful. I’m not sure how many of you have ever been on a horse when it’s ready to run. If you try and force your way without being in harmony with the horse, you’re in for a very…very bumpy ride.

We grew up going to my grandparent’s farm most weekends. I spent a lot of time on a horse. There was one day that I wanted to go on a nice trot around the ring and let’s just say “Mulligan” (the horse) wanted to go a bit faster. As much as I dug my heels into its sides or pulled on the reigns, that horse was going to run. I was fighting it tooth and nail. The next thing I know I’m looking at the errr...undercarriage of ole Mulligan and my head and upper body are flailing around as if I was at a KISS concert. Mulligan finally stops after an ample amount of dirt, leaves, and manure have filled every orifice on my body. I slowly plop down onto the ground trying to catch my breath.

There was nothing scary about the horse wanting to go faster, I would have been safe. I had galloped before. And I definitely wouldn’t have been coughing up hay for the next week. Life will go faster or go down a different path that you might be wanting. Hear Grandma’s words, “The best way to ride a horse is the way it is going.”

Grandma with her 8 children... and horses...and dog. She was tired.

But not too tired to kick some tail in pool.

And definitely not too tired to be gorgeous!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A great weekend

We had a great weekend at Bald Head Island as Sam's sweet brother got married to an amazing girl. I'll write more about this later but just so you get an idea of how exhausted I am, Roy has decided to do his best impression of me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Something is missing...

*Warning: not a male-friendly blog post*

I may or may not have reached a new level of scatter-brain on Tuesday. I had a lot on my mind and despite getting up early, having my coffee and some QT on the porch, getting dressed with plenty of time to spare… I forgot something.

I was walking across the parking lot to work and something felt different…off…. nonexistent. MY BRA! I FORGOT TO PUT MY BRA ON! MOTHER OF PEARL I FORGOT TO PUT MY BRA ON!

I was already late to work and had to leave right at 4 for a doctor’s appt so I knew I couldn’t run home and get it. I began thinking of all the ways I could construct a bra in the office: paperclips, duct tape, printer tape, you name it, I was trying to build-a-bra. (Parents-this is NOT the same fun game as build-a-bear)

So I walked around the office the rest of the day like an embarrassed 13-year old with her arms crossed across her chest. I was certain that no one would notice. Afterall, I’m not that well endowed. Well at around 1:30 I was taking the trash out and a dear coworker of mine decided to spark up a lovely conversation. Of course I was trying to maneuver the trash bag to hide my flippy-floppies while this coworker who will remain nameless (starts with an M and ends in -ary) says in front of a group of fellow workers, “Your boobs look saggy today.”

True Story. The end.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Epiphanies and Smores

This past weekend we went to the mountains for some hiking, fishing, sleeping, and oh yeah… smores, lots of smores. The weather was gorgeous and I felt like Fall was just tapping me on my shoulder the whole time. It was 65 degrees and everywhere I looked I was reminded of how beautiful our world can be.

On Sunday I got up before everyone and meandered around the house cleaning dishes and wiping everything down. I finished cleaning and no one stirring so I looked down at the dog and decided that he and I were going to go for a hike. I grabbed my two essentials; my phone and my coffee. I grabbed my phone in case I ran into Smokey the Bear on the trail and needed to send a picture message to the hubby so he’d believe that I could indeed outrun a bear. I grabbed my thermos of coffee because… well, Smokey would run away from me if he had to deal with me without my coffee.

We walked up to the top of the mountain just enjoying the scenery along the way. When we reached the top there was a bench overlooking the breathtaking horizon with too many mountains to count. I sat down and just soaked it all in. It was a bit cloudy out but I noticed there was a small patch of sun on one of the mountains. The entire mountain range was dark except this one bright spot of sun. I stared at that bright spot and thanked the Lord that even though our life can be full of darkness, He still can give us a bit of hope, a little bit of light to keep us going.

I sat and watched my dog run strategically through the grass making sure to spook up any birds along the way. It was one of those moments in life that made me realize how blessed I am. All of the darker things that were on my mind when I began my hike were replaced with the lighter things. I was grateful for so much. I was on top of a mountain, I had a healthy body to get me up to the top, and I had a belly full of smores from the night before… ok fine, I may have had one for breakfast as well. I looked out at the mountain range again and noticed that the light spot had taken over the entire mountain. There was no more darkness. I chuckled to myself because I felt like God and I just shared an inside joke.

So I hiked back down and rewarded myself with another smore.

Excuse the camera work, all I had was my camera phone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

When life hands you a barrel roll...

Yeah you heard me. When life hands you a barrel roll... you say YEE HAW!

I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life last Friday. There was an airshow that came through town over the weekend. The company that I work for was sponsoring it so a few of us got to go "ride in an airplane" on Friday. So we walk onto the air strip all bushy eyed and bright tailed... wait, I got that wrong. Anyways, we get to ride in the T6 WWII Aeroshell planes. We approach the pilots and I looked at their chest (get your mind out of the gutter). Right there on the right side of their uniform is a badge that says, "Aeroshell Aerobatics Team".

That's strange. Oh well, they must have earned that in boy scouts.

We introduce ourselves to the pilots and we crawl.. yes crawl... into our planes. Now, I grew up flying with my father in his biplane so I was not scared of this joyride. We took off, things were all as it should be. I was able to gaze down at the ground and really soak in the experience. I felt peace wash over me. Then over my little radio I hear the pilot say, "Hold on girl, the tricks are about to start."

I'm sorry, what now?

"The tricks, hold on."

The next thing I know the plane starts to nose dive towards the ground only to immediately pull back up and... wait for it.... FLIP UPSIDE DOWN!!!

I did not get the memo that we would be doing air tricks. We were flipping, doing log rolls around each other, the three planes were freakishly close, and every time I thought we were evenly leveled, we would do another flip or roll.

My brain hurt. I was unprepared but you know what, in the middle of that first flip I was given a choice. I could vomit... believe me it was an option, the sushi I had for lunch was a terrible idea. Or, I could yell YEE HAWWWW and enjoy every minute. I decided to holler YEEE HAWWW at the top of my lungs several times over. I was laughing hysterically because I thought we were going on a quiet little flight over my hometown when unbeknownst to me, I was a part of an aerobatics airshow. I loved it.

Life is that way. We can choose to roll with the punches and ride whatever crazy ride life has thrown at us OR we could live in fear of losing control. Lets embrace this lack of control shall we? When life hands you a barrel roll...

That's me!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11

Good afternoon friends, if you'd like to see my post on September 11, visit

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gone for the weekend

I came into the living room one morning and this is what I saw. Roy was really committed to dreaming about basketball.

I'm headed out of town for the weekend for some R&R! But don't worry, you'll be on my mind.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are we there yet?

A girlfriend and I were talking about how difficult it can be when you’re making a decision for your family. The difficult part is the communication and the infamous waiting process between you and your spouse. (I really wish I could have played scary music while you read waiting process).

Let’s just say that patience is a virtue I’m working towards… ok fine, daily. AM I PATIENT YET?! I digress, I heard the funniest thing the other day that my friend Andrea told me. We both almost bought a lifetime supply of Depends because we were laughing so hard we thought our bladders were conspiring against us. “Women are DSL while men are dial up.”

I’ll let you laugh a bit more.

I know, I’m sorry you can hear my cackling all the way from where you are.

It’s funny because it’s true! When I think I have the right answer for our decision or I have a desire on my heart, I’m ready to go! I’ve already made the list, planned the escape route, planned my outfit, and planned for spandex to wear during my escape route.

Meanwhile, hubby is taking his sweet time doing ridiculous things like praying about this said desire or decision. Hmmm.

I am a firm believer in communication in general, but especially between husband and wife. So, I of course, voiced my desire to sweet hubby. He listened. He heard me. He asked me to trust him.

24 Hours later…. I voice my desire to hubby again. He listened. He heard me. He asked me to trust him.

12 Hours later…. I thrice (is that a word?) voice my desire to hubby. He listened. He heard me. He gave me the stank eye and told me I needed to trust him.

I realized that while I say I’ll follow my hubby anywhere and I trust him completely, my actions were not a great depiction of my vow. I had to unclench my fists that I had tightened around my plan and my desires and let them go. I have to trust that he is leading our sweet, weird family consisting of a crazy woman and a hyper dog down the right path.

And let me tell you, a quick way to a miserable marriage is to think I can manipulate him into agreeing with me or that giving him the cold shoulder will make him agree with me. Of course I have never tried such terrible tactics, I’m just guessing. You believe me right?! Right!?

Plllleeeeaaaase agree with me!!!!!!
(this tactic is also a no-go... again, not that I've ever tried it)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stress Relief

Did you know venting to a friend about a problem is a huge stress relief? It can be about something serious or why they decreased the size of my favorite pumpkin candy corn... ok the latter is my serious problem.

I vented to a friend today and immediately felt the stress slide away as she encouraged me and yelled, "I HATE THAT TOO!"

Vent. Even if you have to skype your sister or brother to do it. If that doesn't help... eat an incredibly small bag of pumpkin candy corn (I don't care what they say, anything less than a pound does me no good.)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You should know...

You are worth going out on a limb for.

It might be what we’ve grown up with. It may be the media. But the fact is, some of us have never thought about pursuing our dreams or we end up talking ourselves out of an adventure. I think it's because we’re scared we won’t be worth it. There is no age limit on happiness. There is no "too late". You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are worth it. Start now.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chime in!

My hysterical and wise friend Jude chimed in with her confidence boost on my post on insecurity. I'd love to hear the rest of yalls if you've got them! We could all use a little 'pick me up' and encouragement! Lets hear it!

(my insecurity is telling me no one will reply and leave me hanging as if I was trying to give a high-five to the cool kid in school.)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was having a conversation with a good friend the other day about the insecurity that weaseled its way in when we got married. Sometimes the insecurity may come in specific forms or just plain general self-loathing. However big or small, the power that insecurity has over our thoughts is ridiculous. (I tried to think of a more intelligent or sensitive word, but ridiculous is what you’re getting from me!)

I digress; this amazing friend of mine is gorgeous, talented, and married to a fabulous man. However, her insecurity made her doubt herself, her husband’s faithfulness, and even her purpose.

And the thing is, I’ve been there. I know Sam is so faithful, is solid in his faith walk and loves me so well. BUT catch me watching a horrible Lifetime movie and the next thing I know I’m wondering if Sam has been texting Angelina Jolie behind my back. Ridiculous? 100% yes. Real fear? Absolutely. Have you seen her in Tomb Raider?! Eat a doughnut woman!

I’ve been thinking about insecurity as a spouse and our fear that we will be betrayed.

And here is what has been stirring in my brain. I think Satan knows his game. He knows we have active imaginations and don’t want to believe that we’re worthy of a lifetime of loyalty and love. SO, this area is his playground. We give him a fast pass to the crazy circus inside our heads when we indulge these fears. There is a destructive part of our nature that almost takes pleasure in trying to imagine all the different ways that we’ll be betrayed. It’s like when you scratch a mosquito bite until it bleeds but it kind of feels good while you’re scratching the hell out of it.

Philippians 4:7- “And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

The more we root ourselves in that scripture, it becomes our truth. I even read in Timothy the other day that we have to practice Godliness- I forget that it’ll never come naturally.

Part of practicing Godliness is developing a plan when those thoughts creep in. It may be helpful to pray with your spouse as you experience these fears. I imagine it’s pretty powerful to have your spouse pray victory over you. That prayer automatically does a 180 degree ninja kick (I just made that up) to any fear or insecurity you are feeling.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

just in case...

Just in case you were feeling too serious this afternoon, you should have friends like Andrea.

What if...

Take a minute today to think about what your relationships would look like if you stopped forcing your way onto them. What would they look like if you stopped expecting your version of what's "right" from them. What if you let them be who they are?

More on this tomorrow but I wanted you to marinate on it for yourselves. I just like messing with your days a bit. *enter evil laugh here*

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A New Adventure!

Hey sweet friends! I wanted to let you in on a new adventure I'm going on with two amazing friends of mine. Ginna, Kate, and I are going on a journey together and would love for you to be included. While I am definitely the rookie of the group, I'm so honored they would include me. We immediately experienced a deep bond that is incomparable. I remember gmail video chatting with Ginna about my million questions when Sam was accepted into the Army JAG Corp. Kate still remembers this crazy redhead (yours truly) that interrupted her conversation when I saw she was wearing her hubby's West Point sweatshirt, and I haven't left her alone since. But below explains this new adventure, please let me know if you would like to be included.

Dear Friends,

We have an idea- and we need your help!

Recently, as my husband and I entered the crossroads of deciding whether or not he should stay in the Army now that his obligations are coming to an end, I have been surprised by the number of people that ask the question "Well you want him to get out right??" I suppose I should be more clear by saying it is not the question itself, but the presumptive tone in which it is constantly delivered. And even though we have to worry about deployments and uncertainties, it bothers me that people assume our life in the Army is all bad. Consequently, several emails about this topic to my good friends and fellow Army Wives, Ginna and Martha, led to this idea:

We want to compile a collection of essays about being an Army Wife and hopefully create a book about our experiences. Right now, we are simply asking if you are interested in contributing. We would accept traditional essays, poems, letters or anything you feel shares your experience or a specific moment of your life as an Army Wife. We are also hoping for a chapter on "Homecoming" which would only be pictures of that event, because as we all know, words cannot do that moment justice! So if writing is not your thing, perhaps that is a way you could contribute. Even if you choose to share of the frustrations or sadness, the overall tone of the book is to be positive (think a type of Chicken Noodle Soup for the Army Wife's Soul if you will...).

So what to do now?

If you are interested, please email us back. At that point, we will send out a more specific letter about the process and the parameters for submissions. Also, please forward this to anyone you think might be interested. Submissions can come from anyone who was an Army Wife (or a wife in the Army!) at any time, it is not limited to active duty.

We sincerely hope you are inspired by this idea and want to share your story. As women in all different stages in our lives as Army Wives, we feel incredibly connected to each other through that experience. And we have realized it is not only important to be there for one another, but to show the world that the life of an Army Wife is full of love, pride, community and service.

We can be contacted at and we look forward to hearing from you.

Kate Larrabee, Ginna Van Zandt and Martha Metzler

I hope that if you know anyone that falls in the catagory of an 'Army Wife', you will pass this along to them. Or just leave a comment to let you know that as a civilian, you would be interested in what we have to share! Thanks for your support!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I just felt like I should tell yall that my brother gets here in a few hours! He's the funnier, rounder, braver version of me. As my friends Michael and Carlye said after hanging out with both Bennetts, "Oh no, there's two of them." Here are a few pictures that epitomize our relationship:

Monday, August 2, 2010


I've been experiencing a season in my life which I'm not particularly fond of. It's the "I wake up each day with the realization that there's something I need to change about myself" kind of season. If you have any self-awareness, you probably have experienced that nagging feeling that there's something in your life or a behavior that you need to change. Well everyday these things I need to change are coming at me as if I was in a bubblegum fight with Willy Wonka (which would be awesome). Pride, jealously, laziness, you name it.... giant bubblegum balls being thrown at my head. I'm a big believer that if I "start on Monday" then I'll never really start. Change can't wait. So I've been actively trying to seek redemption and repentance in my life. If I keep putting off making positive change in my life, I'm telling myself and my Creator that my life isn't worth fighting for. Pretty insulting to the One who gave it all to fight for my life to begin with huh?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Final entry...

.... I had soaked enough of the house in and was ready to tackle the rest of my to-do list. She asked if she could pray for me. As always I said yes. I remember when we first began meeting, I would pray with her. Only to realize it was because that is what I did with the women I met with. As progress was made, I asked her if she could be the one to pray for me. All I uttered was, "Amen." with my heart pleading the interpretation, "Let it be so." She prayed each week that my soul would begin acting as though it was broken and needed to be fixed. Each week, my heart broke and softened little by little.

I shook myself out of my dream-like retreat with an ache so real that it replaced any notion that my desire for a retreat was imaginary. I breathed in and sighed that even though that place did not exist for me except in the stitches of my imagination; perhaps one day, I can make that dream real for others.

Even if you only joined me in the retreat for this blog series, I hope to make this real for all of you one day.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The House...

...It is a two-story white house with a wrap-around porch. It has black shutters and reminds me of an old farm house. It has what seemed to be two dozen windows just inviting the sun's rays to come in to rejuvenate me. In the winter we meet inside. We always meet in her living room when it is too cold to sit on the porch. There are two big, brown leather chairs in front of the fire place. The walls were a soft green that looked as though the grass and the river had come together and splashed onto the walls. For some reason, even though it was inside, I still felt as open and free as I would if we were sitting outside. Perhaps that is why I never minded when it got cold. In the warmer months, we set up shop on the porch. The back porch is adorned with 3 different wind chimes, all playing their different songs as I sang mine each week. There are 4 white rocking chairs that showed the wear and tear of the generations of women that had sat in them before me. I always inspected the arms of the chairs wondering if the hands before me had clenched as hard as I found myself doing each week.

The house is on a bluff overlooking the river. With thousands of yards of grass leading my eyes to the river, I always felt safe in my rocking chair but with the slight eagerness to one day, have the spirit and wholeness to run as fast as I could through that grass down to the river. But for the time being, I sat on the porch with my counselor who forced me to take my time and not rush to the other side of my identity. The version of myself that I desired was waiting for me in the river but I needed to properly say goodbye to the broken version of myself first. Each week she guided me through those goodbyes. I felt I was picking petals off a flower, "I love you, I love you not. I love you, I love you not." There were parts of myself I was not sad to see go. The harder weeks were when I had to let go of the "petals" that I thought were keeping me safe. Those petals always seemed to fall a bit slower to the ground.

She knew I needed to sit on that porch and work through the mess and blurred maze I had created for myself before running down to the river. My heart had never thirsted for water so deeply...

Monday, July 19, 2010

......She had seen me for months now. She knew I didn't want to embrace the lack of control I had in my life, and I most certainly did not want to look it in the face. I wish she would have answered the question for me. But this counselor knew that I had to say it out loud. The counselors in the past either filled in the blanks for me or just nodded their head as I begged for boldness. This counselor knew I needed to answer the question, so without regard for time, without frustration from weeks of asking me the same question, without discomfort in silence, she asked me to think about it longer. She waited. I waited for her to cut me slack. She waited longer. “No.” I humbly and embarrassingly answered. I was expecting a list of homework assignments or a flood of questions about "why I felt that way and how do I feel..." She stopped rocking and affirmed me but without judgment, told me that I needed to write that question she had asked on something that I could look at the rest of the week. She told me that I needed to understand who I was dying to before I started dying all over the place without reason. She said it with the perfect balance of authority and mercy that it empowered me. We had gone over an hour, but she never scheduled someone after me. We walked around her property a little while debriefing everything we had talked about. We finally reached a point when I needed to go. When we reached my car, I felt embarrassed that I could not pay her. As she does every week, she reminds me that she meets with me as a service that is “on the house”. The only thing she is strict on is that I come each Wednesday. If I have to cancel, I don’t get to see her that week. I began to see this as wisely intentional because she knew that if it wasn’t set in stone, that I would replace it with #20 on my to-do list. I gave her one last hug and took a look at the house before I left. I tried to etch it into my memory so the feeling of freedom would last me until the next Wednesday.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Part III

.... She has not said a whole sentence yet, I thought to myself. She was silent. She was in tune with where I was in my life and the journey I was going on through my heart. I collapsed into my chair. We start rocking, sipping tea, and I begin to tell her how I tired I am. For the next 45 minutes or so, I have painted a picture of what my week looked like, explained everyone I met with, explained the things I had sacrificed, and how exhausted I was at not understanding a balance between giving myself to my community and knowing who I was without that self-appointed role.

Here is why I come back to this porch and this woman week after week. She looked at me and said quite compassionately but matter-of-factly, “Do you think you are noble for doing all of those things? Do you think you are noble for dying to yourself? Who are you dying to Martha?” I of course fired back that I’m dying to my calling and to Jesus. This woman knows when I have taught myself a truth that is in fact, not true. “Are you?” she asked. Again, the silence.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is continued from my previous post about my own personal Sandals Resort that happens inside of my head:

On a Wednesday, when the week seems as though it should be over, I got into my car and drove over to my counselor’s house. This was no ordinary house. This was an old house she had bought years ago to be a safe place for burnt-out women to come and be refreshed. Her parents had passed and left her an inheritance for her to make her dream come true: having a private practice out in the country to serve the over-serving women. I admired the fact the house was in an indirect way, a gift to her. I suppose I just saw in her face the appreciation and respect because she did not feel as though she “owned” it. I drove down the long, gravel driveway lined with trees. It was just long enough for me to enjoy the butterflies in my stomach about sitting in that rocking chair on the porch and marinating on the hard questions she will ask me for the day. I finally reach the house, I get out and she is waiting for me on the porch. She has a giant smile across her face and a mug of hot Russian Tea waiting for me. She is around 55 years old. She has been married 20 years with 2 children that were getting close to my age. She loved dogs and there were two constantly at the house. They had become part of our counseling sessions. I enjoyed that she shared just enough about herself and her life experiences so that I could trust her and identify with her. But she never shared too much so that I would not feel as though the sessions were about her.

I tried to pace myself so I didn’t seem over-eager, but my face told it all. She had learned to understand when I needed her to listen and when I needed her to speak hard truth into my life. She knows today is a day she needs to do both. As a counselor, I tried to nail down her theory of choice, perhaps in order to have some sort of control in my sessions with her. But, I could never nail one down. She used an eclectic approach, combining different aspects from Rogerian to Behavioral, depending on what I needed that day. She greets me with a hug and we walk around the wrap-around porch to the back. The back porch overlooks the river. She calmly and confidently sits down her in rocking chair waiting for me to start talking. I wasn't sure I wanted the silence to end.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Several years ago I wrote an essay about my ideal retreat. I needed to escape to a safe, therapeutic place. I described my dream counseling experience. I felt it tugging at my heart to share it with you... in pieces MUAAHHA.
So here is the first installment. I hope you can sit back with a cup of tea and retreat with me.

“Can it really only be Wednesday?” I asked myself. It was the longest week I had experienced in a long time. School was crashing down on me, the women I met with were all at hard crossroads, my job was pressuring me to fulfill a role I did not want to fill, and I had not sat down with my husband to have a real conversation in a week. I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday. I had gotten home from work, exhausted, and sat down on the couch to write. The minute I hit the couch, tears started pouring from my eyes. I felt as though I was in over my head. I felt ignored. I feared I was doomed for a life without self-exploration and care. The only thing I could think about was escaping to a place where someone would actually pour into me instead. The counselor wanted counseling. No, the counselor needed counseling. My mind began to dream about this place I could escape to. I looked in my wallet at my insurance card. “Does not cover mental health services” was written in red ink across the back. I was left alone to my dreaming once again. I took off my boots, pulled my legs up near my chest, pulled a blanket around my shoulders and began dreaming about my retreat.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Some days...

Some days you have to bet on yourself. All chips in, no fear.

I hope you know you have the winning hand. And if you don't? Fake it.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Indulge yourself!

Take today (hopefully it's a day off) to be goofy and indulgent! It feels good to act like a kid, eat candy without worrying about fitting into your bathing suit, laugh at America's Funniest Home Videos, and feel as though you can accomplish anything as long as you're given the right-a-way. Please see below for my plans... those poor party favors never saw it comin!