Monday, May 10, 2010

Sometimes you just gotta make the moments...

Tonight is a Monday night. It's usually the night that Sam and I eat left overs, watch NOTHING on TV, and veg out on the couch... you know, from all the exhaustion of starting another week over. But instead, we decided to make a memory. We opened a bottle of wine that we'd be saving since our wedding. Our friend Julie (what's up Sessoms!) gave us a bottle of wine from Spain and we have been saving it for something special. Well, tonight was a night that we decided to make special. We fixed supper together, we brought all of the food outside on the back porch, and sipped our fancy bottle of wine. We talked about our days, politics, how we don't know what good wine tastes like, dreams, fears, and how weird our dog is. It could have been just another Monday mundane night.

Sometimes, you can't wait for the memories, you have to make them. I'm going to go write some Hallmark cards now... or maybe an inspirational poster for some kid's graduation.


  1. glad to see you don't necessarily know what good wine tastes like :) though, i've never met a rioja i didn't like.

  2. in it to win it you champion. i'm proud of you marty.

  3. i love it when people make these kinds of memories. i think that it is part of the reason God allowed the invention of the porch. :)
