Saturday, October 9, 2010


I'm not even sure if thoughtfulness is a word? But if it is, IT IS AWESOME. I came into work and found this on my desk from the best coworker ever. It made my week.

A. I love that stuff and may or may not have finished the bag in record time. Don't you judge me!
B. She wrote a sweet card and made me feel loved and special.

Then, I went to visit my husband's hometown to see his brother get married to the greatest girl ever. We stayed with my in-laws and guess what was on my chest of drawers!? You guessed it...

Do you think it's obvious the quickest way to my heart is candy? I'm not sure what to think about that but I choose to think it's because I'm sweet... right!? Right?!

Do something thoughtful this weekend. It goes such a long way. Thanks Sandy and Jan for adding to my sugar addiction and making me feel special.

1 comment:

  1. No... thank you Martha for being you!I love ya!
