Friday, January 1, 2010

A Memorable 2010

I hate resolutions, I'm going to be honest. I love making the "to-do lists" with cute little boxes that I'm supposed to check off. I usually don't or I change my mind half way through the year. But one thing that's been stirring in my soul recently is for my life to be more memorable. There have been so many opportunities I've missed by sitting on the couch and watching Gilmore Girls DVDs... I love that show, get over it.

So, 2010 will be the year of many (I hope) that I make memorable. Each day I will watch less TV and get outside and make some memories dangit! I'm not saying I'm going bungee jumping every day, but I am going to pour into my neighbors, pursue wisdom from my grandparents, laugh harder with my friends, and go on more adventures. My friend Ashleigh and I are heading into the mountains to hike and camp on MLK weekend, ADVENTURE! I want to look back on my life and scroll through memories like an endless flip book instead of a short story. My memorable life is not going to happen in front of the TV. I can't wait to share my adventures with you and I want to hear about yours!

1 comment:

  1. Did you just read Don Miller's new book? Oh, and Happy New Year
